

You can write to me at millervica @ gmail.com 

Follow my musings and travel stories on Instagram @vica_miller.

Vica Miller is a native of St. Petersburg (Russia) and has been a New Yorker for over three decades. George Plimpton called her a writer, and she believed him. Her first novel, INGA’S ZIGZAGS, was published on May 14, 2014 by Ladno Books. It has been translated into Russian and is slotted for publication in 2022.

Vica is the co-founder (2021) of UNA VIDA. NO PLAN, a life transformation company based in Cabarete, DR, and the founder (2009) and curator of the Vica Miller Literary Salons, New York City’s favorite chamber reading series held in private art galleries. She's written for Vogue Russia and Tennis Week magazines, and her short stories have appeared in LitroNY, The Jet Fuel ReviewAsymptote, The Linnet's Wings, and Thrice Fiction literary journals. 

Vica is a veteran of the communications industry and a recognized expert in public relations. For 15 years she has served as a Senior VP of Global Communications at a leading tech firm (2,700 employees across 21 offices in 10 countries). Prior to that she ran her own consulting firm, worked as Director of Marketing for the Kremlin Cup ATP tennis tournament and was among online music pioneers at Sonicnet (now MTVi). She has launched (1997) and taught the first New Media course at Hunter College (CUNY), now a comprehensive graduate IMA program, and later (2003) taught Public Relations there.

Vica holds a BA in Film and Media from Hunter College, MPS from ITP - Interactive Telecommunications Program - at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, and has completed graduate course requirements for MA in Social Psychology at Harvard Extension School, where her research focused on creativity and self-doubt.

Vica is an excellent swimmer, a beginner paraglider, an obsessed surfer, an intermediate cellist, and a mother of two. She's also a big fan of burlesque and has synesthesia, which makes her life full of color. She’s working on her third novel and a Master thesis on the role of social support in creative achievement.

Select short stories: